Sunday, February 23, 2014

A Players Perspective

Josh Childress discusses his 5 main differences between the NBA and Euroleague back in 2009


  1. Chris,
    I found this video to be very interesting as it compared the NBA and Euroleague through the eyes of a Euroleague player. His first comment that in Euroleague everything is very team oriented was very interesting to me. He claimed that NBA is much more focused on individuals, and I can definitely see how this would be true. In our visit to Euroleague, we were informed about that players in Euroleague had to respect their coaches and did not have the power to fire coaches as in the NBA, where the players often run the coaches and have much more power than they do in Euroleague. I like the idea that in Euroleague there is a focus on the team rather than the individualistic approach that we see in NBA. After all, one star can't always win the game. Next, I thought another interesting point Childress made was how he said that Euroleague players must always be aware and focused on their competition at the start of each game, because it is very likely that may have never heard of them and may be unaware of their abilities as a player. This is very different in the NBA, where the players are all so well known. Players in the NBA know other players strengths and weaknesses and they analyze how to compete against them prior to playing them in a game. I think it almost makes the game more fun to not know your competition prior to the game, as Childress claims he often doesn't as a player in the Euroleague. What points did you find most interesting about the video?

  2. The video was very informative and Childress definitely knows what he is talking about since he has played multiple in both leagues for multiple years. His first difference stood out to me the most because it relates to what we talked about during our visit to Euroleague. At Euroleague we talked about how the players do not have as much power and influence over the team in Europe as they do in the NBA. After discussing this it, didn't really surprise me then that Childress said that European teams are more like teams. The players in the NBA are defintiely self-centered and childish at times. I was also surprised when he told the story about a flare being shot onto the court. I knew European soccer fans were crazy at times but I didn't realize that it carried over to basketball.

    -Nick Cevallos

  3. One of the differences of the video that stuck out to me the most was when Childress said that the NBA focuses more on individuals while the Euroleague is more of team-based concept. I believe this is true because in America, sports organizations are looked at as a business, not much of a club therefore all they worry about is the different ways and strategies that can bring money to the team. So, if an NBA player gets into a confrontation with the coach, it is more than likely that the player would not be as penalized compared to Euroleague because they are more glorified in American and are known to be the cores of their team. People go to see these players (Kobe, Lebron, etc) not coaches, so this brings in the revenue. Euroleague has a different concept and cares more about the team's image rather than the individual. However, I believe this is the case between European teams and American teams in all sports. -Amy
